Taking Funding to the Next Level
Having almost 25 years of experience and a successful, market-oriented corporate development, some 100 professional experts work hard to make sure that our products and services will fully, efficiently and on a state-of-the-art technological basis meet any professional and regulatory demand both today and in future.
We measure sustainable success by looking at how satisfied our customers and employees are.
In doing so, we make sure that in our corporate development we are focused on quality, safety, transparency and durability while maintaining a readiness for innovation as basis for a moderate and safe growth to the long-term benefit of our customers.
In the TXS company, our Pfandbrief and securitization specialists are there to help you:
Trust Is Our Basis
Behind all our products there are knowledgeable and reliable employees. Their commitment and knowledge make sure that our products and services are continually optimized. We, the management at TXS, do not see ourselves as executives and decision makers, we are rather the moderators and mentors who provide advise and assist our TXS staff of almost one hundred employees. In our professional careers we have experienced how important trust is. Therefore, we trust our employees every day 100 percent. Learn more about what drives us.