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Smart funding through optimized utilization of liquidity potentials

TXS Funding Management

There have been massive changes in the treasury and liquidity management of a bank in recent years following the financial crisis. The classic funding mix, including customers’ moneys, capital market and equity capital, has to be adjusted to completely new trends. Decades-old deposit base theories must be reassessed in times of low interests, the ECB is quite an active player in the market, issuers of debt instruments receive money in addition to their debt.

In recent years, many new opportunities in funding have become available, an up-to-date liquidity management uses such new channels creating new access to markets through reasonable and controlled management of existing assets of a bank.

We Have Many Years of Market Experience

We see it as our mission to grow based on our experience and guarantee our customers that any current change in the market, in the technology and in regulations will be included in the continuous development of the product line.

Would you like to know more?

Get in contact with us.

For questions, further information, to arrange an appointment or other topics, please contact, Mr. Michael Kuckartz.

Michael Kuckartz
Management/Covered Bonds

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