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Automated Filling of HTT

The Harmonized Transparency Template (HTT) has a function of a transnational transparency reporting format and is supposed to target various recipients such as international investors, analysts and regulators.

The module provides automated filling of the HTT using a respective report from the TXS Pfandbrief program. Currently, German issuers are not using the function of automated HTT template filling, they provide the requisite HTT figures to the vdp association that reports these data to the ECBC. For that purpose, TXS Pfandbrief provides an additional module called “vdp Export”.

Reducing Work Effort

The generation of HTT through TXS Pfandbrief helps reduce the amount of work required for preparing and cross-checking data as well as for recurring IT tasks.

Minimizing Risks

Operational risks are minimized, the data quality is optimized safeguarding a high level of data consistency.

Comparable Data

Investors can be provided with data relevant to them in an internationally recognized format they are familiar with which they can compare with other institutions.

TXSuite Product Line

The HTT is part of the well-known and widely established TXSuite product line so that it can be used in connection with other TXS products and modules.

Learn more about the TXSuite product line

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For questions, further information, to arrange an appointment or other topics, please contact, Mr. Michael Kuckartz.

Michael Kuckartz
Management/Covered Bonds

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