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TXS Analytics available in the showroom!

By creating a showroom, we now provide an opportunity for anybody to discover Analytics and get first experience of working with the new TXS reporting and analysis tool. The showroom is accessible at any time.

The showroom always contains the most current version of Analytics so that you can regularly get updated on any enhancement if available. New features are introduced on the Landing Page under News.

The showroom invites to try and test Analytics, execute or even do your own Reports and Dossiers. Any adaptations you make will be reset each night automatically. An artificially live TXSuite is connected to the showroom. It has a mortgage and a public cover pool that has been up and running since August 2019 and is growing every day. Starting in August 2021, we will be able to create here a regular Section 28 report including prior-year figures.

Feel free to contact us for any queries you might have.


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